What is Face Reading?

Face reading is mankind’s oldest and original language. It pre-dates the spoken word by perhaps millions of years. Everyone on earth, including our pre-historic ancestors, has or had an innate ability to face read, but most have lost the instinctual trust in the process. Still, who among us has not thought, “something isn’t right about this person”, and didn’t quite know why? Or, “I like her – she has a kind face.” These feelings, or “gut” instincts, are remnants of an earlier time, when, as cavemen without spoken language, getting an instant read on someone could literally be a matter of life or death.

The human face is capable of making ten thousand different expressions and micro-expressions, with every one having meaning. However, modern-day social and technological ‘advances’ have caused the recognition of all but a handful of simple and obvious expressions to be lost.

There is a scientific basis for why face reading works worldwide. It is estimated that human brains are as little as .01% different structurally, and that certain areas of the brain affect corresponding areas of the face. As a result, the same muscles are triggered when feeling various emotions, which is why a smile looks like a smile anywhere on the planet. It is also why certain life experiences, such as disappointment, grief, dominance, etc. all show up in the same places on the face, no matter the age, race, ethnicity, social status, or other prejudicial category of the owner.

Although humans are all essentially hard-wired the same way, they are at the same time entirely unique. There are over 150 actionable features on the human face, each with its own meaning, and each triggered by individual thoughts, feelings, and experiences. No two people on the planet think, feel, and experience emotions exactly the same way, so neither would any two faces develop identically.

When one thinks about the lottery and the combinations associated with picking 6 numbers from a sequence of 50, the odds are well into the millions. In face reading, the combinations of 20 or more features on a given face, out of a possible 150 or more, creates literally billions of possible permutations. Multiply that exponentially by the fact that every person’s perception is their own reality, which further individualizes their face, and the results are pushed to a point approaching infinity. This not only demonstrates that each human being on earth is unique, but also that face reading can help unlock the code to a deeper understanding of the individual uniqueness of every person.

Understanding and reading another person's reality allows for a deep and instantaneous connection. The power and focus of face reading is the ability to understand someone without judging them or imposing a prejudicial or subjective opinion. This enables the reader to see a person the way they see themselves.